
Dr. Abir Bhattacharyya

Dr Abir Bhattacharyya

Contact :


Suite 201, Level 2, Westmead Private Hospital

Cnr of Mons and Darcy Roads

Westmead NSW 2145

Ph : +61 2 4722 2808

Fax : +61 2 4744 3303


Dr Abir Bhattacharyya graduated with MBBS, Honours class I, from the University of New South Wales in 2003 followed by completion of dual training in clinical and laboratory haematology.

He completed a Masters of Clinical Epidemiology through the University of Sydney. He then undertook a fellowship in bone marrow transplantation at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney in 2013 followed by a two year research fellowship at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington USA.

Dr Abir Bhattacharyya is a Staff Specialist in general haematology, Blood Transplant and Cellular Therapies at Westmead Hospital with special interests in leukaemias, lymphomas and bone marrow transplantation. He is also a haematopathologist at Australian Clinical Labs.

He is also a visiting medical office at Norwest and Westmead private hospital.

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Contact :


Suite 201, Level 2, Westmead Private Hospital

Cnr of Mons and Darcy Roads

Westmead NSW 2145

Ph : +61 2 4722 2808

Fax : +61 2 4744 3303

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