
Dr Mohammad Amin

Contact :

Shop 205, Level 2,

Nepean Private Hospital

Kingswood NSW 2747

Ph : +61 2 4722 2808

Fax : +61 2 4744 3303


Dr Mohammad Amin is an Australian-trained Neurologist with an interest in Epilepsy and neuroimmunology/multiple sclerosis and related disorders. Upon completion of fellowship exams and training in Neurology conducted by the Royal Australian College of Physicians (FRACP), he moved to Melbourne for further fellowship training in advanced Epilepsy through one of the largest and most comprehensive Epilepsy training networks in Australia, held in “The Royal Melbourne Hospital and The Alfred Hospital”, a combined program. Dr Amin gained experience in the assessment and management of complex epilepsy under the guidance of world-renowned epileptologists, received extensive training on reading EEGs of various complexities, such as routine, sleep-deprived, ambulatory, and prolonged video-EEG monitoring as well as the application of advanced neuroimaging in epilepsy management.

Dr Amin has also completed a fellowship in Neuroimmunology/Multiple sclerosis (MS) at John Hunter Hospital, where he has vast experience managing a significant number of patients. Currently, he runs a weekly neuroimmunology and MS clinic at Nepean Hospital.

Dr Amin undertook Neurology advanced training at various locations in NSW including John Hunter and Nepean hospitals.

Dr Amin is currently appointed as a staff specialist in neurology at Nepean Hospital. He is passionate about treating various neurological conditions and interested in teaching and research.

In addition to general Neurology Dr Amin has special interest in:


  • Epilepsy and first seizure management as well as reporting EEGs.
  • Initial assessment of suspected Multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis-optica-spectrum disorder (NMOSD) and other neuroimmunological diseases as well as their long-term management.
  • Stroke, transient ischaemic attacks, and syncope.
  • Headache assessment and management; particularly Migraines and its updated management.
  • Botox injection for various neurological conditions such as migraine, blepharospasm.
  • Parkinson’s disease, tremor, and other movement disorders.
  1. Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN)
  2. American Association of Neurologists (AAN)
  3. Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)

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Contact :

Suite 201, Level 2, Westmead Private Hospital

Nepean Private Hospital

Kingswood NSW 2747

Ph : +61 2 4722 2808

Fax : +61 2 4744 3303

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